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connecting humans through a network 

designed to share learnings, share knowledge, share networks, create solutions, design future but always about creating significant and meaningful engagement

As Engagement Specialists we understand the complexities around the what, where, how, when and why of Engagement?

We also understand the power of a community. that is aligned on the back of giving and taking in different ways.  Contributing mentorships, sharing skills and wins, leading the less skilled and learning from others skills.

We have adapted to the global opportunities that have presented themselves and created hybrid models and share one on one spaces to each more people, more brain power and more engagement within Rebel Connect.

The power behind Rebel Connect is our Club members and the roles that they decide to significantly shift other Club members lives. Every connection is designed around identified needs.  Our community determine our significance as they engage and work with us to leveraging pain points to find solutions.

Remember we are here to serve you.  If you are not sure which connection will work for you - book a discovery call with Kelly.

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do any of these statements resonate?

"I am looking for a community that is not just a social media page where random comments are posted, but somewhere where my time is valued, my input is valued and I can find the support that I need from leaders in my industry, have access to mentors, whilst I also learn the how from people who have walked before me."

"I am just starting out.  I have not idea how to find the people that will create a large shift for me in both my personal growth as well as my career.  Within my company there are programmes but it is a case of everyone see, hear and do - there is nothing to really challenge me to step out of my comfort zone."

"I am looking for a community to join where I can share what I know, with people who don't have my experience whilst also accessing those that have way more than I do."

"Quite frankly my time is gold.  I am not interested in spending it on endless webinars that do not address specific pain points that are affecting my business.  I am looking for a network that is focused on connecting people with a specific outcome from the investment in time.  Give me this - I am in!

These are all verbatim pain points

from humans that have crossed our paths in various roles whilst we engage with the marketplace.  They range from C-suite through to people just starting out.  At the base of it - all human beings, with challenges created due to lack of significant engagement.  

So if you resonate in full or just partially you are not alone.

It was in response to this feedback  that we have launched the Rebel Club.  To create networks for people to play different roles, expanding the wins they create for others, whilst engaging in a way that also creates meaning. 

The framework is underpinned by our Rebel Formula  - which is the result of 50+ years of engagement experience 

Very simply our goal is to get you connected to people that will create a shift for you. 

so why are there 3 different memberships?

we know that people and their situations are unique

Some people will be at the beginning of their Engagement journey, others will be undoing part of their Engagement journey and changing direction, some will be auditing their Engagement as it currently stands.  

Some people will be part of large corporations responsible for large budgets.  Some people will be solopreneurs and have limited resources.  Other people will have limited knowledge but have a  mission to learn.

The hard truth is that significant stakeholder engagement is reflected in the profits that you declare.  

It is the measure of how significantly you are engaging with your stakeholders!

So we set ourselves a challenge to create connections that are accessible to everyone.  

the benefits of the rebel community

  • We have three tiers to connect on linked to a community that can decide what role they want to play determining what they contribute.

  • We research topics that are both relevant now and look forward to identify challenges and opportunities that need to be explored now to position our community ahead of the market..
  • We carefully understand who are community are and what their pain points are to identify who we can connect them to, ensuring that both people win.

  • We have redefined new deliveries to ensure that not just individuals benefits but so do their stakeholders around them by giving access to the learnings creating a win-win for all.

  • We help you create and connect to  networks that are not just for now but for the future. 

the membership options


We welcome anyone as a member.  By signing up as a member you automatically have free access to Rebel Suite and all the Resources that we share.  

We welcome contributions of ideas from our members as well as applications for mentorships as this is a long term engagement designed to deliver value.

I'd like to join

contributing member

We are always looking for participating members and if you feel you are at the stage where you would like to share your skills and knowledge to the benefit of our community, we would love to hear from you.

Participating members will be invited not just to network with other members, but can contribute articles, videos and other content to be shared on the platform.  We will also invite you to lead certain specialist forums within our Collab and Rockstar events.

I'd like to contibute

advisory board member

Advisory board members are those that have a wealth of experience and knowledge whilst also being passionate about creating engagement that stimulates both macro and micro economies either within their industry or the economy as a whole. 

These are the minds that we use to unpack relevant pain points to ensure that whatever we create is focused and relevant to the community.

These are the minds that will brainstorm ideas that have been submitted on the basis that we don't ever just engage in the traditional way - we engage across all our stakeholders to create a win for all.

I'd like to apply

got a cool idea?

we loving hearing your bright, hair-brained, audacious ideas

fire away!

"I have been invited to take on a role as an Advisory Board member which I have graciously accepted.  I had a taste of how engagement was driven by The Rebel Element whilst participating in a global tech forum, and am excited to be part of the impact that is planned for the Rebel Club."

Rachel B.