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connecting humans through experiential engagement platforms  

generating information, introductions, ideation, innovation, interconnections with a single goal - to create significant engagement

As Engagement Specialists we understand the complexities around the what, where, how, when and why of engagement.

It's how our 'connect' platform came to life.  It's about breaking down the traditional constraints of innovation and ideation, creating meaningful connections to leverage the power of a community.

We've adapted to the global opportunities that have presented themselves and created hybrid models to reach more people, more brainpower generated by more engagement.

Every connection is designed around identified needs.  Our community determine our significance as they engage and work with us to leverage pain points and find practical solutions.

Remember we are here to serve you.  If you're not sure which connection will work for you - book a discovery call with Kelly

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Do any of these statements resonate?

"I feel like an island, everyone in my industry is so afraid of sharing concepts because it might compromise their competitive growth, so instead of us having a brain pool to shoot ideas with - we wade around in our own waters and instead of seriously challenging the status quo we inch along."

"I want to get ahead. I want to be stretched.  I work in an environment where leadership attends events but we don't get access to any of their learnings or the networks that they develop."

"The challenges that we face are not just within our business or division, but across the board.  We need to see how other markets are facing the same challenges, hear about different challenges (as they might be ours soon), and create a mindset outlining change as a given not a choice."

These are all verbatim pain points

All these challenges were created due to a lack of significant engagement.  

So if you resonate in full or just partially you are not alone.

It was in response to this feedback that we have launched and expanded our traditional bi-annual, by invitation only platform to be more inclusive both in access and time investment.

The framework is underpinned by our Rebel Formula - which is the result of 50+ years of engagement experience. 

Very simply our goal is to get you connected through a platform that works best for you.

So why experiential platforms?

We know that people and their situations are unique

Some people will be at the beginning of their Engagement journey, others will be undoing part of their Engagement journey and changing direction, some will be auditing their Engagement as it currently stands.  

Some people will be part of large corporations responsible for large budgets.  Some people will be solopreneurs and have limited resources.  Other people will have limited knowledge but have a  mission to learn.

The hard truth is that significant stakeholder engagement is reflected in the profits that you declare.  

It is the measure of how significantly you are engaging with your stakeholders!

So we set ourselves a challenge to create connections that are accessible to everyone.  

The benefits of the connections

  • We have three tiers to connect on linked to a community that can decide what role they want to play determining what they contribute.

  • We research topics that are both relevant now and look forward to identify challenges and opportunities that need to be explored now to position our community ahead of the market..
  • We carefully understand who are community are and what their pain points are to identify who we can connect them to, ensuring that both people win.

  • We have redefined new deliveries to ensure that not just individuals benefits but so do their stakeholders around them by giving access to the learnings creating a win-win for all.

  • We help you create and connect to  networks that are not just for now but for the future. 


the solutions


Interviews designed and delivered by specialists in their field connected to current pain points.  Open to everyone in the Rebel community to create opportunities to connect, network and upskill.


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Experiential platforms designed and delivered through multi-dimensional engagements connected to current pain points.  By invitation and application within the Rebel community.


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Immersive experiential platforms designed to drive innovation and ideation whilst introducing new connections, new opportunities.  By invitation only within the Rebel community.


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No one does these type of Customer Engagement | Thought Leadership | Value Creation events better then you. I encourage all those invited to participate. You will not regret it!!!

Basha P.